Saturday, February 14, 2009

valentines day


what an amazing valentines day!!!
the day starting with a nice morning kiss from anthony.
we then moved down to union square where anthony and his fellow tribe members from HAiR sang some songs of love in the park. So much fun and peaceful.
this adorable girl asked me to speak at her high school about gay rights today as well...that was sooo incredible!
she is 14 and head of her schools GSA. hello 2009!
while in union square their were people giving "free hugs"...only in NYC. it was so sweet. people need to hug more often. do away with handshakes! give a hug!

and i am so happy to have that special guy in my life. valentines day is every day in our house. i love this boy anthony james hollock and am not ashamed to say it no matter what others may think!!!


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